Instalation by Nira Pereg

The Israel Trail: Procession(2018-2019)
Video Art by Ayelet Carmi and Meirav Heiman

Hysteria Shows (2016)
A dance-theatre performance, directed by Adili Liberman

The Soft German (2014)
an art-film, directed by Nadav Bin Nun

iWoman (2014)
Choreography by Shlomit Fundaminsky and Einat Ganz

A trilogy for two bodies and a plank.
Choreography by Ronnie Heller

Shlulit (2009)
Video: Thalia Hoffman, choreography: Elad Schechter

The Lost Paradise (2014)
A site-specific performance, directed by Lilach Deckel-Avneri

Still Winter(2008)
Video art by Daniel Tchetchik