Laws of Reflection, 2011

Image#1: Batt-Girl, An Ascii image, comprised of a palindromic eulogy by Rabbi Yehuda (Yulius) Hirsch, for his father Rabbi Shimon Ben Refa’el Hirsch, and a ready-made sign

A web-operetta in seven movements. It includes poetic arias, written for a computer keyboard that generates sound samples and text simultaneously (using the ASCII code); recitatives, written on HTML pages; and JAVA based virtual machines that incorporate the audience in the opera’s creation, using their home computer keyboard. The work was exhibited in Gallery 1024, curated by Yaniv Yehuda Eiger, Walla! portal.

Aria, Dogma I Am God, featuring Ronald Boersen (viola):

Aria, Won’t Lovers Revolt Now, featuring Uri Frost (MIDI guitar):

Aria, Satan Oscillate My Metallic Sonatas, featuring Daniel Davidovsky (electronic devices)


על חוקי ההשתקפות – ערן הדס

In Hebrew: Lecture about Laws of Reflection at International Convention Center, Jerusalem (Israel Internet Association)