Powder,2000, piano and pre-recorded MIDI piano.

Exposing the tension created by the confrontation between a non-human instrumentalist and a human one, this work transmutes this contrast into a duel gradually evolving into coexistence.

The pre-recorded non-human instrumentalist is based on MIDI digitised parameters and relies on the possible functions of a MIDI performer that far exceed the human technical abilities. On the other hand, human mastery of subtle nuances are alien to the MIDI performer. The composition put an accent on these dichotomic skills and manifests the antagonism throughout the piece.

Eyal Zalyuk, piano

[hosted by Ubuweb]

Recordings and mix: Eyal Zakiuk, the classical studio, Herzelia.
Mastering: Ronald Boersen

Performing: Eyal Zalyuk, piano.

Recordings and mix: Eyal Zakiuk, the classical studio, Herzelia. Mastering: Ronald Boersen

Powder- Score:

–To purchase a hard copy of the score and parts click here —

–To purchase a pdf version, for research, non-commercial performances and for the live electronics patch on Max/MSP click here. Please contact me for the password —