Directed by Adili Liberman

Music: Dganit Elyakim

Performers: Karmit Burian, Meshi, Ma’ayan Horesh

The word Hysteria stems from the Greek word “hystera”, meaning ‘uterus’. It was once believed that the uterus migrates within the body, causing chest pains and difficulty breathing, the cure being intercourse and ultimately pregnancy. At the end of the 19th century, French psychiatrist Jean-Martin Charcot – believing that the hysterical mechanism holds the power to stir complex neurological phenomena – diagnosed, researched and catalogued his patients in a way that reaffirmed hysteria as an explicitly female pathology.

He created ‘female hysterical attacks’ spectacles, which were among the most popular public events in Paris.

We will reconstruct such a spectacle in order to expose the subject-object relationship on stage in a purified fashion that moves between the worlds of performance, science, medicine and gender.